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DREAM         PLAN         DO       OWN        EARN

The original business leadership and business ownership enrichment daycamp for girls 

designed to empower her to BE A SheEO by seeing herself creating products and services and building her empire through play and exploration.  SheEO Academy® programs develop confidence and life skills through interactive activities, design thinking, role play, collaboration, public speaking and more. 







SheEO Academy® empowers the CEO in every girl using a STEAM approach to bring entrepreneurship and leadership to life and inspire the next Girl Boss.


Every girl goes home with her product and a mini business plan with marketing creations in a reusable totebag after a powerful week of enrichment. Daycamp for ages 7 - 12.

DAY 1: Choose a product to make. Options include soap, bracelets or a candle (options may vary by site)

DAY 2: The future SheEO will discuss how to map out her budding business with a plan. 

DAY 3: Get ready to tell the market about your product's value with different promotion strategies. 

DAY 4: Own your idea and operate your business! She learns how to manage all the parts that will make her product launch successful.

DAY 5: And lastly, a SheEO can make money from her the real product. Learn how to make a profit and fundraise from her fellow SheEOs with a business pitch!


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Camp T-Shirt Shop

Camp T-Shirt Shop
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She's the CEO Virtual Camp​

Is there a little CEO in your family? Imagine if your daughter learned about famous female CEOs, then saw herself as a tiny titan of industry or an organizational leader! In this virtual mini-camp by SheEO Academy, she will gain confidence, life skills and motivation to innovate, think big and know she can be a SheEO!

Live discussion and hands-on activities. Downloadable handouts. Collaboration with other young SheEOs. Each topic will have 2 guided activities and a 5 minute break between each activity. You will receive instructions to access the virtual classroom after registration.

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